Personal Accident Insurance Cover

Personal Accident Insurance is a type of insurance policy designed to provide financial protection to individuals in case of accidental bodily injury or death. This policy provides a lump sum benefit in case of accidental death or specified bodily injuries from accidents, including loss of limbs, permanent disabilities, or medical expenses.

Enhanced Personal Accident Benefits

Our value proposition for personal accident insurance has enhanced benefits that include:


Life Rider

The insurance has a Life rider for persons below the age of 60 years. This means that the insurance also pays death benefits even in the event of a non-accident-related death.

Critical illness Rider

This rider has a cash benefit for persons below 60 years upon the first discovery of a critical illness disease. This includes illnesses such as Cancer, Kidney failure, heart disease, etc.

Personal accidental cover can offer peace of mind by providing financial assistance to cover medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and other expenses that may arise from an accidental injury.

Personal Accident Insurance Benefits

Permanent total disability
Temporary total disability
Manual Labourers
Medical Expenses
Funeral Expenses
Death Benefit

What are the requirements

  • National ID 

Cost of the Personal Accident Insurance

The enhanced personal accident insurance is a very affordable insurance that you can take up for yourself and your family.


The annual premium rates for the insurance per annum the table below, with options ranging from Option 1 that has accidental medical expenses at Ksh 30,000 and its premium cost per year is Ksh 1,979

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